Saturday, September 7, 2013


I was cleaning out my refrigerator yesterday while wondering what’s for dinner tonight. I had a little skillet beef steak my mother had thought was too tough. I threw it on the counter and it landed near my crock pot. I should have taken the lid off because from then on everything went into the pot. I ended up with a half of onion, some green bell pepper, and a bite of corn, two bites of green beans and some ugly carrots. In the bottom drawer I found a couple of potatoes that I quickly cut up. I also found some salsa that needed to be used up as well. Next I went through my pantry and found a can of stewed tomatoes and some beef bouillon cubes. This is how lazy I really am. I threw in the tomatoes and the bouillon cube and just added a cup of water to it all. I figured as the crock pot heated my beef bouillon cube would dissolve and I would stir it all together later. My concoction which we named dump day soup came out so wonderful we ate it for lunch instead so I was still at a loss for dinner that night. The salsa gave it a little kick and the extra cooking time made my meat very tender. Hey but I used all my leftovers and now refrigerator is bare. So if you need to clean your refrigerator out try throwing everything in the crock pot and making a stew or soup. You can use chicken or beef broth for liquid or even cream of something soup for a thicker stew. Spice it up however you like, just go wild, be creative, have fun with it. This is one time you don’t have to worry about having all the ingredients! Even if it doesn’t turn out (which I doubt) you were just going to throw it out anyway. I wouldn’t advise throwing in pizza but Chinese food would be interesting. Hey and the calorie count should be null and void if you used it all up in the original dinner. Am I right? And of course it’s doesn’t count as leftovers because your family hasn’t seen it yet. So here are the directions.

P.S. I am sorry I didn't take any pictures but leftovers don't photograph too well and we ate the finished product before I thought about posting this!

Spray the crock pot with PAM. Open your refrigerator. Pull out all your leftovers. Slice your meat into bite size chunks and place in the bottom of the pot. Add all your other cooked or uncooked vegetables you have left in your refrigerator to the crock pot. Next add some liquid. Even a cup or two of water with some spices from the pantry will do if you don’t have any soup or bouillon cubes. Cover and cook on low until dinner or on high if you want to eat it for lunch. Remember everything is pretty much cooked already. Have some fun and enjoy. Drop me a comment with your new creations, I would be interested in some new recipes!

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